Locate points within radius

Use our data to search places within a radius in kilometers, miles or nautical miles.
We use an index on Latitude and Longitude fields in database so search is faster.

Practical example

Postal code    33129  10002  90003


Calc is a variable to build the formula, then we can apply to our SQL statement.
Lat and Lon are the coordinates of the start point (decimal format, WGS84 datum).
Latitude and Longitude not coloured are the field names of coordinates in database
6378.137 is the Earth diameter in kilometers, use: 3963.191 for miles.
Calc = 6378.137 * ACos( Cos( RADIANS(Latitude) ) * Cos( RADIANS( Lat ) ) * Cos( RADIANS( Lon ) - RADIANS(Longitude) ) + Sin( RADIANS(Latitude) ) * Sin( RADIANS( Lat ) ) )

SQL = "SELECT Locality, " & Calc & " As Distance FROM Table WHERE " & Calc & " <= '5' ORDER BY Distance"

Sample of code in ASP using MS SQL database

ISO  = Request.Form("ISO")
PostalCode = Request.Form("PostalCode")
Distance   = Request.Form("Distance")

If Request.Form("Radius") = "K" Then
   Radius = 6378.137                       'Kilometers

   Radius = 3963.191                       'Miles

End If

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open Application("ConnectionString")
Set RS   = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

' Search postal codes to get the coordinates of first point
' ---------------------------------------------------------
SQL = "SELECT * FROM [PostalCodes] " & ISO & "' "

SQL = SQL & "AND PostalCode = '" & PostalCode & "';"

Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)

Lat = RS("Latitude")
Lon = RS("Longitude")


'Build the formula in: calc variable for easy handling in SQL statement

calc = Radius & " * ACos( Cos(RADIANS(Latitude)) * Cos(RADIANS(" & Lat & ")) * Cos(RADIANS(" & Lon & ") - RADIANS(Longitude)) + Sin(RADIANS(Latitude)) * Sin(RADIANS(" & Lat & ")) ) "

SQL = SQL & "ISO, "
SQL = SQL & "Postalcode, "
SQL = SQL & "Region1, "
SQL = SQL & "Region2, "
SQL = SQL & "Region3, "
SQL = SQL & "Locality, "
SQL = SQL & "Suburb, "
SQL = SQL & "Latitude, "
SQL = SQL & "Longitude, "
SQL = SQL & calc & " AS Distance "
SQL = SQL & "FROM [PostalCodes] "
SQL = SQL & "WHERE (ISO = '" & ISO & "') "
SQL = SQL & "AND " & calc & " <= " & Distance & " "
SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY Distance ;"

Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)

DO While Not RS.EOF

     Response.Write RS("ISO") & "<br>"
     Response.Write RS("PostalCode") & "<br>"
     Response.Write RS("Region1") & "<br>"
     Response.Write RS("Region2") & "<br>"
     Response.Write RS("Region3") & "<br>"
     Response.Write RS("Locality") & "<br>"
     Response.Write RS("Suburb") & "<br>"
     Response.Write FormatNumber(RS("Distance"),1) & "<br>"

Set RS = nothing


Sample of code in PHP using MySQL database

$PostalCode = $_GET['PostalCode'];
$Distance   = $_GET['distance'];

$sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM PostalCodes WHERE PostalCode = '".$PostalCode."'";
$result = mysql_query($sqlstring);

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

$Lng = $row["Longitude"] / 180 * M_PI;
$Lat = $row["Latitude"] / 180 * M_PI;


$sqlstring2 = "SELECT DISTINCT PostalCode, Locality, (6367.41 * SQRT(2 * (1-Cos(RADIANS(Latitude)) * Cos(".$Lat.") * (Sin(RADIANS(Longitude))*Sin(".$Lng.") + Cos(RADIANS(Longitude)) * Cos(".$Lng.")) - Sin(RADIANS(Latitude)) * Sin(".$Lat.")))) AS Distance FROM PostalCodes WHERE (6367.41 * SQRT(2 * (1 - Cos(RADIANS(Latitude)) * Cos(".$Lat.") * (Sin(RADIANS(Longitude)) * Sin(".$Lng.") + cos(RADIANS(Longitude)) * Cos(".$Lng.")) - Sin(RADIANS(Latitude)) * Sin(".$Lat."))) <= '".$Distance."') ORDER BY Distance";

$result = mysql_query($sqlstring2) or die('query failed: ' . mysql_error());

$str = "<table width=\"300\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
$str .= "<tr>";
$str .= "<th>PostalCode</th>";
$str .= "<th>Distance</th>";
$str .= "</tr>";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
$str .= "<tr><td>".$row["PostalCode"]."</td><td>".$row["place"]."</td><td>".round($row['Distance'])."km</td></tr>";

$str .= "</table>";

echo $str;
 Reference data
Administrative divisions
Countries names
Postal codes format
Time zones
Formulas & samples
Distance between points
Locate points in a radius
Find postal code of a point