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Our data is provided in a consistent structure for all countries. Files has some fields are not necessarily available for each country, we invite you to refer to the specific product sheet for more information.
This file defines the administrative divisions hierarchy of a country. An administrative division is a country subdivision with an official status. We define and standardize up to 4 administrative divisions levels per country. This file is always included in the postal codes and streets datasets.
Field | Data type | Description | |
ISO | varchar(2) | Country code ISO 3166-1 | PK |
Country | nvarchar(45) | Country name | |
Language | varchar(2) | Language code | PK |
Level | int | Administrative level | PK |
Category | nvarchar(45) | Type of administrative division | |
CategoryEN | nvarchar(45) | Type in English | |
Region1Code | varchar(10) | Administrative level 1 code | PK |
Region1 | varchar(85) | Administrative level 1 name | |
Region2Code | varchar(10) | Administrative level 2 code | PK |
Region2 | varchar(85) | Administrative level 2 name | |
Region3Code | varchar(10) | Administrative level 3 code | PK |
Region3 | varchar(85) | Administrative level 3 name | |
Region4Code | varchar(10) | Administrative level 4 code | PK |
Region4 | varchar(85) | Administrative level 4 name | |
Latitude | Decimal(10,6) | EPSG:4326 (WGS84) | |
Longitude | Decimal(10,6) | EPSG:4326 (WGS84) | |
Elevation | Integer | Elevation in meters (average) | |
ISO2 | varchar(10) | ISO code | |
FIPS | varchar(10) | American code | |
NUTS | varchar(12) | European Union area code | |
HASC | varchar(12) | Statoids code | |
STAT | varchar(20) | Statistics code - organization of country |
This geocoded file is designed to store the postcodes which are used for regular mail delivery.
Field | Data type | Description | |
ISO | varchar(2) | Country code ISO 3166-1 | PK |
Country | nvarchar(45) | Country name | |
Language | varchar(2) | Language code | PK |
ID | bigint | Record ID | PK |
PostalCode | varchar(10) | Postal code | |
Region1 | nvarchar(85) | Administrative level 1 name | |
Region2 | nvarchar(85) | Administrative level 2 name | |
Region3 | nvarchar(85) | Administrative level 3 name | |
Region4 | nvarchar(85) | Administrative level 4 name | |
Locality | nvarchar(110) | Locality name | |
Suburb | nvarchar(110) | Suburb name | |
Latitude | Decimal(10,6) | EPSG:4326 (WGS84) | |
Longitude | Decimal(10,6) | EPSG:4326 (WGS84) | |
Elevation | Integer | Elevation in meters (average) | |
Timezone | varchar(35) | Time zone name (Olson) | |
UTC | varchar(6) | Coordinated Universal Time | |
DST | varchar(6) | Daylight saving time |
This file contains spatial geometries of postal codes in WKT geospatial standard in EPSG:4326 datum (WGS84).
File is distributed as CSV, DAT (WKB binary for database import), GeoJson and GIS formats. Geometries can be:
Field | Data type | Description | |
ISO | varchar(2) | Country code ISO 3166-1 | PK |
Layer | int | Layer (7) | PK |
Code | varchar(12) | Postal code | PK |
Name | nvarchar(85) | Name: "Postal code: 33129" | |
Geometry | geography | POINT(Lon,Lat) POLYGON((Lon,Lat)) MULTIPOLYGON(((Lon,Lat))) |
This file is designed to store the comprehensive list of streets names and the range enumeration of segment for the whole country. It has a similar structure as the file "Postal Codes" and is geocoded.
Field | Data type | Description | |
ISO | varchar(2) | Country code ISO 3166-1 | PK |
Country | nvarchar(45) | Country name | |
Language | varchar(2) | Language code | PK |
ID | bigint | Record ID | PK |
PostalCode | varchar(10) | Postal code | |
Region1 | nvarchar(45) | Administrative level 1 name | |
Region2 | nvarchar(45) | Administrative level 2 name | |
Region3 | nvarchar(45) | Administrative level 3 name | |
Region4 | nvarchar(85) | Administrative level 4 name | |
Locality | nvarchar(110) | Locality name | |
Suburb | nvarchar(110) | Suburb name | |
Street | nvarchar(110) | Name | |
Range | varchar(100) | Number range (odd),[even] | |
Building | nvarchar(110) | Building name | |
Latitude | Decimal(10, 6) | EPSG:4326 (WGS84) | |
Longitude | Decimal(10, 6) | EPSG:4326 (WGS84) | |
Elevation | Integer | Elevation in meters | |
Timezone | varchar(35) | Time zone name (Olson) | |
UTC | varchar(6) | Coordinated Universal Time | |
DST | varchar(6) | Daylight saving time |