About us

Mapanet is dedicated to provide postal codes, boundaries polygons and streets databases with geographical coordinates for all countries and territories to be used for address verification, localtions for delivery, distance calculation between places or software for fraud prevention on e-commerce websites.

We provide the world’s largest postal/zip code database, ready for every enterprise need. Enable street-level data, add boundaries and choose the file format you require for your location master data management and ERP integration.

If you have any question regarding our products and services, please fell free to check the support page where you can find details of data design, or contact us.

Mapanet is a trademark of:

Divex Turismo, S.L.
Calle Zurbano No. 45, Planta 1
Madrid, 28010 España
NIF: ESB87234100

The use of our website or any information of its contents provided by Mapanet is extended to the total agreements to the Licenses and Terms and Conditions.